„The art of communicating properly with one another is like learning to walk; you’ll often fall on your face until someone holds your hand.“
Wilma Eudenbach
(*1959, German publicist)
A dynamic market environment, increasing competition and changing employee expectations force companies to adjust their work processes.
In order to remain competitive in the future, it is strategically crucial to facilitate the efficient exchange of information and knowledge. This significantly increases the productivity of your company.
The collaborative and knowledge-based working environment of our LINXYS solution can only be accomplished fully if all the participants face the challenge of change and if the saying “knowledge is power” is redefined.
It is not an individual’s knowledge that brings “power” — it is the collective and, above all, the shared knowledge of many which allows companies to operate successfully. Sharing knowledge and information, collaborating on multi-site teams, networking, communicating, focusing on people — these are all factors that contribute to the success of a business today.
LINXYS offers you an ideal platform in the form of a collaborative social intranet solution in order to bring company-specific processes and requirements to a digital workplace in a modern way.
The implementation of our LINXYS solution doesn’t mean just installing new software. Our core purpose is to support employees in their daily work, to create a new corporate culture of cooperation and consequently increase efficiency, profitability and added value. Regardless of the company size, every institution can benefit from the implementation of our collaboration tool. Sustainable knowledge management, an extensive and comprehensive exchange of company information and transparent communication significantly impact the stability, reputation and success of your company.
Simply collaborate and profit.

Performance-enhancing and highly effective — this is what the working environment of the future looks like. Unlike conventional software solutions, the LINXYS collaborative social intranet tool enables dynamic knowledge sharing and brings collaboration to the foreground. Networking, live knowledge transfers and cooperation with internal and external partners — regardless of time and place. All of this allows for added value and an increase in efficiency and profitability.