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More than just an intranet. Your dig­i­tal HOME.

COYO offers com­pa­nies an inte­grat­ed plat­form which com­bines top-down infor­ma­tion chan­nels, employ­ee net­work­ing, social col­lab­o­ra­tion and mes­sag­ing.

With COYO, you can reach all your employ­ees, whether in the office, in the fac­to­ry or off­site, at any time and any place. As a social intranet app, COYO will be the place where every­one, tru­ly every­one, comes togeth­er from your com­pa­ny. The inter­face of COYO is mod­ern and attrac­tive­ly designed so that it is both “attrac­tive” to look at and it fol­lows aspect of “mobile first” that is very impor­tant nowa­days. The loca­tion where your employ­ees work, whether it’s in the office, on the move or in pro­duc­tion, becomes of sec­ondary impor­tance — COYO can be reached from any loca­tion at any time.


Inad­e­quate or even bad com­mu­ni­ca­tion is a well-known evil in many work­places. Due to insuf­fi­cient com­mu­ni­ca­tion, com­pa­nies often have to dig deep into their pock­ets (read more about this top­ic in our news arti­cle). Inter­nal com­mu­ni­ca­tion con­se­quent­ly plays a cru­cial role in your company’s suc­cess. With COYO, you get a tool that takes your inter­nal com­mu­ni­ca­tion to the next lev­el — in a visu­al­ly appeal­ing and tech­no­log­i­cal­ly opti­mal way.

Start tak­ing the steps today towards increased pro­duc­tiv­i­ty and prof­itabil­i­ty in your com­pa­ny with a mod­ern com­mu­ni­ca­tion tool: with COYO.

COYO clients.


  • Quick start-up
  • Usabil­i­ty
  • Cloud & On-Premise
  • GDPR Com­pli­ant
  • Indi­vid­ual design
  • Fair prices


Con­tact us – we will be hap­py to help you.

Team­work, mobil­i­ty, col­lab­o­ra­tion and acces­si­bil­i­ty are just as impor­tant in today’s work­ing world as new tech­nolo­gies and approach­es. The lat­ter can be boost­ed by util­is­ing an appro­pri­ate sys­tem, a social intranet.

LINXYS com­mits to find­ing the right tech­ni­cal solu­tion for each com­pa­ny and its indi­vid­ual require­ments in order to ensure your expec­ta­tions are met.


Work­ing togeth­er and com­mu­ni­cat­ing in a sim­ple, trans­par­ent and straight­for­ward way — a cru­cial require­ment for the suc­cess of a com­pa­ny in today’s world. Despite all the numer­ous oper­a­tional pro­grams, sys­tems and com­mu­ni­ca­tion options, many com­pa­nies will dis­cov­er their own ways to doc­u­ment their knowl­edge, col­lab­o­rate on projects, and man­age the dai­ly com­mu­ni­ca­tion flow over time. LINXYS pro­vides organ­i­sa­tions with effi­cient, pro­duc­tive and sim­ple col­lab­o­ra­tive social intranet solu­tions that anchor all busi­ness-rel­e­vant fea­tures in one place where it is acces­si­ble to any indi­vid­ual, regard­less of time or loca­tion.

“Sim­ple col­lab­o­ra­tion” is the effi­cient, future-ori­en­tat­ed key to your company’s suc­cess.


Sim­ply com­mu­ni­cate and col­lab­o­rate.


Solu­tions are indi­vid­u­al­ly tai­lored to you and your com­pa­ny.


A user-friend­ly inter­face in your own cor­po­rate design.

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, Owner: (Registered business address: Germany), processes personal data only to the extent strictly necessary for the operation of this website. All details in the privacy policy.