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Die Bitrix24 Konferenz.

Generating customers for newly-founded companies

Acquire customers simply with Bitrix24 — Customer acquisition

Gain­ing new cus­tomers is an impor­tant fac­tor for any busi­ness, but this fac­tor is par­tic­u­lar­ly impor­tant in the start-up phase of your busi­ness. With­out cus­tomers, a com­pa­ny can­not sur­vive in the long run. It is there­fore essen­tial to work with the right tools from the begin­ning to pre­pare for the future. At the begin­ning, it is impor­tant to pay atten­tion to the com­pa­ny, the prod­uct and the ser­vices in order to estab­lish and then main­tain con­tact with poten­tial new cus­tomers. Only when the cus­tomer feels that they are in good hands can results fol­low. From then on, a cus­tomer must be looked after. All these are chal­lenges that both new com­pa­nies, but also “old hands” have to face every day.

The Bitrix24 soft­ware sup­ports you with a CRM tool for opti­mal cus­tomer man­age­ment. The sys­tem allows you a sys­tem­at­ic and clear gen­er­a­tion of cus­tomers in the first step and the best pos­si­ble cus­tomer ser­vice in the sec­ond.
What’s most impres­sive about this soft­ware is that it is avail­able free of charge for up to 12 users. So as a new com­pa­ny, you do not have to invest large sums of mon­ey at once, but you can test the soft­ware first and see if it suits your require­ments and goals.

Focus on generating customers right from the start with professional solutions

Even if, at the begin­ning, many are of the opin­ion that “yes, that’s just the way it is at start. We’ll make it more pro­fes­sion­al lat­er” — please don’t fall for this fal­la­cy. The longer you are in the mar­ket­place with your busi­ness, the more cus­tomers, con­tacts, the more peo­ple who are involved and the more prod­ucts and/or ser­vices you offer, the hard­er it is to move to a pro­fes­sion­al, clear solu­tion. Humans are crea­tures of habit and, how­ev­er recep­tive we may be, we always need a cer­tain amount of time to get used to new things.
For­get about Excel, Note­book or con­tacts in Out­look. The goal is to ensure that all the infor­ma­tion is stored in one place where it is always acces­si­ble to all rel­e­vant par­ties from the start so that the paper­work doesn’t gain the upper hand.

This is where Bitrix24 can help you with a CRM tool

With the solu­tion from Bitrix24, you can process requests from poten­tial cus­tomers into an opti­mal sales process. New orders are cre­at­ed, and the mas­ter data can be quick­ly and sim­ply entered. Any com­mu­ni­ca­tion, be it tele­phone calls or emails, are neat­ly doc­u­ment­ed and can be viewed by any­one accord­ing to their access autho­riza­tion. All cus­tomer con­tact infor­ma­tion is avail­able in a few clicks. Even if one of your employ­ees is on hol­i­day, you do not have to take part in time-con­sum­ing han­dover meet­ings before­hand- all rel­e­vant infor­ma­tion about a cus­tomer is in the sys­tem.

  • Gen­er­ate leads: Bitrix24 sup­ports your sales when cold call­ing; whether it’s by phone or through online activ­i­ties such as land­ing pages, email mar­ket­ing, mes­sen­ger mar­ket­ing and SMS mar­ket­ing. With the appro­pri­ate con­fig­u­ra­tion, all infor­ma­tion auto­mat­i­cal­ly flows into your Bitirx24 CRM and you always have an overview.
  • Main­tain cus­tomers, moti­vate them and offer added val­ue: Since you can man­age the col­lect­ed cus­tomer his­to­ry with just a few clicks in the Bitrix24 CRM, you are in a posi­tion to pro­vide your cus­tomer with infor­ma­tion at any time and to respond to ques­tions. From the first con­tact to the last invoice, you will find every­thing in the sys­tem.
  • Smooth com­ple­tion of projects: Projects, tasks and time plan­ning make it pos­si­ble for Bitrix24 to opti­mal­ly han­dle cus­tomer projects with a high lev­el of ser­vice qual­i­ty. With­out a doubt, your cus­tomers will be delight­ed with the pro­fes­sion­al­ism.

As a Bitrix24 Gold Part­ner in the DACH region, we are con­vinced of the ben­e­fits of the soft­ware and would be hap­py to assist you with test­ing and imple­ment­ing it. Con­tact us — we’re experts in what we do and can show you how we imple­ment “progress through move­ment.”

It is our belief that “sim­ple col­lab­o­ra­tion” is the effi­cient, future-ori­en­tat­ed key to your company’s suc­cess.

We are hap­py to answer any fur­ther ques­tions you may have. Please do not hes­i­tate to con­tact us.

Overview of our ser­vices:

  • CONSULTATION AND CONCEPTION. No two com­pa­nies are alike: LINXYS analy­ses your company’s cur­rent sta­tus and works with you to find the opti­mal goal.
    We will glad­ly arrange a free intro­duc­to­ry meet­ing with you and intro­duce you to the basic prin­ci­ples of net­worked work­ing using a social intranet. At this meet­ing, we dis­cuss the per­son­alised options for your com­pa­ny with those respon­si­ble.
    Learn more.
  • IMPLEMENTATION. LINXYS imple­ments your project accord­ing to your indi­vid­ual needs. Trans­par­ent and con­tin­u­ous com­mu­ni­ca­tion with our cus­tomers is stan­dard prac­tice for us. Togeth­er with LINXYS, make your intranet the place where you can reach your employ­ees and com­mu­ni­cate with them at an equal lev­el. As a com­pre­hen­sive part­ner, we accom­pa­ny you and, with the right solu­tions and strate­gies, we ensure that you can suc­cess­ful­ly advance the per­for­mance of your com­pa­ny.
    Learn more.
  • SERVICE. Opti­mal and indi­vid­ual: your new dig­i­tal enter­prise plat­form. From cor­po­rate brand­ing to indi­vid­ual inter­faces, LINXYS always focus­es on your com­pa­ny and your indi­vid­ual inter­nal process­es.
    Learn more.
  • SOLUTIONS. Intro­duce pro­fes­sion­al changes and con­vince your employ­ees of the added val­ue. LINXYS offers indi­vid­ual solu­tions — before, dur­ing and after the roll­out.
    Learn more.
  • WORKSHOPS. Improve effi­cien­cy and simul­ta­ne­ous­ly reduce costs through employ­ee accep­tance. LINXYS con­ducts tai­lor made work­shops to reach these goals.
    Learn more.
Ossian Scheller Business Executive LINXYS TEAM

Your expert
Oss­ian C. Scheller / M.A.
Busi­ness Exec­u­tive

Arrange an online appoint­ment and let us advise you with­out oblig­a­tion.
We will show you which Social Intranet solu­tion suits your com­pa­ny best.

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